Sunday, March 27, 2011

A Very Fun Weekend!

Dear Readers,

This weekend was pretty sweet. I was invited to formal and I had tons of fun! I was invited to AOII formal which is a sorority here on campus. Formal was at the Clarion Hotel not to far away from Coe. It was nice we got a hotel room and really just had a great time. Other than that I have just been busy with summer plans! I did receive another job offer here on campus for the summer which is pretty cool. I got offered a position in the admissions office. All I am waiting on is to hear back on the internship for NASPA (I have my fingers crossed). Either way it will be a great opportunity for me. I really enjoy the people who work in admissions and I am pretty sure they will make the job a lot of fun as well as provide me with a decent amount of work.

Well other than that I want to put some more pictures up soon! I know how much people love pictures! And also I almost forgot but I will be in a video1 I got interviewed for a video for admissions which hopefully you all will have the chance to see sometime soon!

Thank you for your time,
Charles E. Cotton III