Dear Readers,
I would like to start off by saying that I have lived in Cedar Rapids for almost 3 years now and I am still finding new cool places to eat and hangout. For instance just this past Thursday I went out to a local hotel in town and had $3 all you can eat wings (+the cost of a soda)! Following that I decided to go to my show on KCOE radio with some of my buddies. The show didn't end until midnight and right after a few of us thought it would be a good idea to attempt to go see the movie hunger games. Best decision of the night! The movie was great and so was the late night Burger King run after. I also made some Tye die t-shirts earlier that day ha ha.
Following my successful Thursday came a tired Friday, I could not wait to take a nap. After accomplishing my napping goals I got ready to go to a Cedar Rapids Titans indoor football game. I never knew how much fun those were. Coming from Southfield Michigan just out side of Detroit I am use to big sports teams however I found myself having just as much fun if not more at the Titans game. Also on Friday I tried out a restaurant I had never been to with one of my fraternity brothers. The place was called Jersey's and it was located right in downtown Cedar Rapids in walking distance of Coe which was pretty cool I thought. While speaking of dinner however I did find myself making another Burger King run later that night after the Titans game.
All and all it was a fun and exciting week that was relaxing yet full of things to do. This upcoming weekend is admitted student weekend so hopefully some of you readers will be around campus this weekend. Who knows maybe I will even be your host!
Thank you for your time,
Charles E. Cotton III