Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Oh How Far the Squirrels Have Come

Dear Readers,
This past week has been eventful. From a lot of meetings regarding my fraternity and just getting settled back in I have found several ways to keep busy. Other than the small amount of homework I have received so far this semester I have spent a lot of time hanging out with friends. A group of buddies all decided that it would be fun to come together a few times a week and cook a nice dinner. This has been turning out great! Although I do enjoy the simplicity of going to the”U” (our main cafeteria) or going to Charlie’s PUB it is nice to spend some good old fashion time with buddies and just have a pig out.

Classes this semester seem to be going pretty well. I really enjoy all of the classes that I selected for this semester and I am actually looking forward to some of the homework in those classes. I think the main reason I am so excited for some homework projects is because I just bought this new speech to text software that works pretty well. Thus far it has been a productivity master. Maybe after a few more test runs I will recommend the product to you all, til then I will keep it to myself.

All in all everything has been swell this week. The weather hasn’t been too crazy although we did get a big snow a few days ago. I was able to just sit back and relax this weekend and just live the College life stress free, which is always a good thing. Hopefully all is well for you all and I look forward to sharing some pictures or videos with you next week. Right now I have a video of a squirrel that was running around campus which is strange seeing how all the other squirrels where doing there sleeping thing haha.

Thank you for your time,
Charles E. Cotton III