Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Welcome Back

Dear Readers,

It feels like I have not talked to you all in forever! Well I guess I owe you all a few updates. My winter break was pretty sweet. I got to go home for almost four weeks and had a new car awaiting my arrival. My parents bought me a black Camaro which I thought would just sit in the drive way over break due to snow. Lucky me we got hardly any snow in Michigan over break so that was pretty cool. Other then that I really enjoyed visiting with family and friends and everyone seemed to want to hear how I liked it out in good old Iowa.
Being home for that long was a great time but towards the end of break I was kind of looking forward to coming back to Coe. It was nice getting here and being welcomed by so many people. All of the students seemed to be excited to see each other again and that made for a nice welcome week back.
Other then that I will have a busy but fun semester filled with tons of classes I think I will enjoy. Stay tuned for updates on how all my first couple days of classes went.

Thank you for your time,
Charles E. Cotton III