Dear Readers,
This has been a pretty cool week. It was scholarship weekend here at Coe and I do not know why but I signed up to host Three prospective students on the same night.Lucky for me I got a group of some pretty sweet dudes. But before I continue with my Friday I guess I should back up a bit to how my week went.
This past week was a pretty solid one, as far as classes go I must say which much surprise I loved them( I am not typically the sort of guy to say something like that). Besides that the weather has been amazing out here and I have been hanging out with a few of my buddies a lot lately playing a lot of video games(I sort of go through fazes). Other then that I have been spending a lot of time in KCOE Radio airing my show that I do with three other students Tuesday-Thursday from 10-12am and Friday from 9-11pm. If you are intrested in checking out my show this week feel free to check it out by going to
Now back to my weekend, I was fortunate enough to get granted a few prospective students who all happened to like Modern Warfare Three, Pizza, and the man cave I am lucky to call my room(this is all very shocking I know). We stayed up until around 3am which was probably not a good idea seeing how they had interviews in the morning but you only live once I guess and they refused to go to bed at a decent hour so we just continued of our having fun campaign.
Saturday was a long one for me, after getting everyone where they needed to be I attended some Diversity Leadership training things and gave some tours for Admission later on. Doing all that good stuff followed by a good meal caused me to fall asleep well before acceptable, I think I was out by around 7pm and had no motivation to get back up. That is what I call productive Saturday. Sunday was a typical one full of relaxation and homework which I was excited to work on since I knew I had some good poetry I could look forward to reading. Other then that I got to chat briefly with a good Coe College buddy of mine Ankit Rana who I will give you all more details on in a blog soon to Come.
Thank you for your time,
Charles E. Cotton III
Monday, February 20, 2012
Have it your Way
Posted by Charles Cotton III at 11:18 PM
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