Dear Readers, I have just returned from what I would like to call an amazing spring break. No I didn't go to Florida and hangout on the beach and no I didn't go on a mission trip (however I have done both of those in the past). This year I went to Nashville TN, and got to experience a very lively music culture and what some would say a slightly southern style of cooking. I enjoyed every minute of it and the best part about it was I didn't have really any homework assigned over break. My professors all seemed to understand the importance in the students taking a little time for themselves. I did however have a project to finish up that I started before break. I was in Nashville from Sunday to Thursday and when I returned to Cedar Rapids I felt right at home, for some reason It was Crunch Berry Day at Quaker Oats so the city seemed to be filled with an appetizing berry smell all morning. Following my return to Coe I found myself hanging out and relaxing in my apartment. It is very nice that Coe offers students the opportunity to stay at Coe over breaks or to return early or leave late. As I look out the window today I am happy to say that it is looking warm outside. I am excited for shorts and tee-shirt weather. It is always nice to be at Coe in the spring, all the trees and flowers on campus come back to life with some very vibrant warming colors and the added bonus of playing outdoor sports with friends and my ultimate favorite which is Barbequing! Once again thank you for your time, Charles E. Cotton III
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