Sunday, February 27, 2011

Good Week For Sure!

Dear Readers,

This has been a very exciting week. Besides having two more mid terms (Pretty sure I did well on them) we have had some exciting basketball games. For us guys we were eliminated in the conference tournament, however out women’s team did not seem to face the same fate. Our lady Kohawks won the Conference tournament and are headed to the NCAA Tournament! It was packed in Eby Field House for the championship game yesterday and I could not believe how many students and alumni came out for the special event. It’s nice to see these girls succeed and hopefully they take home another trophy in a few weeks! For me my basketball journey has come to an end for the year and it’s now time to prepare for golf season!

(Picture of Coe Students Storming the Court after the Women's team defeated Simpson)

On another note, I was able to attend the staff bonding event for the Armstrong/Douglas Residence Life Staff. We went out to eat at Perkins which was a fun time but was not as much fun as our trip to Planet X. Planet X is a Laser tag sort of place and although we were unable to play laser tag we did get to play mini golf! That was something I really enjoyed and was different then the everyday activities I participate in at Coe.

(Picture of a Staff Member draining that deadly 4 foot downhill putt haha)

There are a lot of cool things like this that students do at Coe. Typically I like to go to different places to eat. Last weekend I was able to go out with a few of my buddies to Cold Stone and Genghis Grill! I have never been to that place before but I hear that it is similar to Hu Hot if you have ever been there. I personally like to compare it to Mongolian Barbeque (one of my favorites) if you have been lucky enough to visit that establishment.

(Picture of my two good buddies having a good time at Genghis Grill)

(picutre of my food, sorry I took a bite out of it but it looked to good I could not wait until after the photo)

(Last but not least a picture of myself taking that Bite of food before showing you just how good it looked up close lol)

This has been a great week and I am glad I was able to share it with you all!

Oh and I almost forgot, Movie of the week: No Reservations

Fact of the week:The U.S. enjoys an average of 48 pints of ice cream per person, per year, more than any other country. (Maybe we should make ice cream the fifth food group!)

Quote of the week: "Never Give Up" -Unknown

Thank you for your time,

Charles E. Cotton III

Thursday, February 17, 2011


Dear Readers,
This has been a bitter sweet week. I began this week very excited being able to hangout with friends and I am pretty sure I did well on my midterm in my History of Modern China class. Along with that the weather is really starting to warm up which is great. However I got a little sick yesterday and that was kind of crappy. Another good thing was that I was able to quickly get in touch with the nurse at Coe this morning who gave me a lot of things that I could do to take care of my sore throat. I was pretty relieved after that and feel ten times better after that but I am still not 100 percent yet hopefully by tomorrow morning.

This week has also been going by pretty quick and I felt pretty productive. I had two papers due early this week and finished both in time and was proud of them both. My classes have still been holding my attention which is a good thing.
I have also received a phone interview for an internship I am really excited about for next Monday. I will start preparing myself for this interview as the week goes on and look forward to telling you things went well.
Well I have been chatting with my family a lot this week which is nice. I enjoy giving them updates on what is going on in my life as well as seeing how things are back home in Michigan, especially since I don’t get to go home that often. It’s not that bad that I don’t get to go home that often since I really do feel at home hear at Coe with such a good group of friends.

Well I will leave you all with three things;
a movie: The Last Emperor,
a fact: The roar that we hear when we place a seashell next to our ear is not the ocean, but rather the sound of blood surging through the veins in the ear. Any cup-shaped object placed over the ear produces the same effect.
A quote: “Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that. “
Martin Luther King, Jr.

Thank you for your time,
Charles E. Cotton III

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Already Thinking About Summer

Dear Readers,
Do you guys have summer plans? Because I do! I really have been thinking about my summer options over this past week. Although it is February it’s about that time for me to figure out what I my going to do for this summer. Last summer I decided to stick around Coe which was pretty sweet. I really enjoyed being able to see the things that occur during the summer. I thought that the campus would be extremely empty but I was surprised to see all of the activities that went on.

During this past summer I was lucky enough to live in the New Apartments as a first year student. I was pretty excited about that, and I was also excited that I was able to live with a few of my good buddies, However this summer I have had the opportunity to apply for a few internships else where I really would like to be at Coe again. I guess I am starting to get all summer like because it is suppose to warm up outside pretty soon! The sun has already been shining nice and bright and it keeps me in a pleasant mood. I am however a fan of the month of February even though it’s cold outside it’s a good month. Its black history month! Coe does a lot for cultural events from putting on plays in Dows theatre and offering fun history facts. Intramural soccer is also right around the corner! That is pretty exciting for me because I play soccer here at Coe and it will be nice to finally get to play again. Along with some good old golf as well!

Other than those things this week has been very relaxed. Besides having a basketball game yesterday I had a presentation Tuesday in my History of Modern China class that I think I did pretty well on. Next week should be very buy though I have two papers that are due as well as a mid-term exam in my History of Modern China class. I have another basketball game this Sunday as well maybe I will snap a photo or two on the bus ride there that way you guys can see what being a college basketball player is all about.

Random Fact of the week: If you yelled for 8 years, 7 months and 6 days, you would have produced enough sound energy to heat one cup of coffee.

Random quote of the week: “A man who dares to waste one hour of time has not discovered the value of life.” –Charles Darwin

Movie of the week: Piranha 3-D
Look forward to some photos next week hopefully!

Thank you for your time,
Charles Cotton III

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Snow is Great

Dear Readers,
Snow can make an average week a great week. This week was looking like it was going to be a busy one for me. I had a few papers on my agenda to get done by the Thursday and Friday of this week and that alone was going to be just enough to put a damper on my fun time. However I was given a gift that can only come in the winter months at a place like Iowa. It began to snow and snow a lot! It made me feel like a little kid again to know that it was a strong chance that class would be canceled for the next day which it was!
The good thing about this snow day was not all the students on campus running around making snow angels or anything like that but the good thing was how understanding the Professors here at Coe are about this sort of thing. Both of my papers were pushed back which somehow gave me more motivation to complete them both this week anyway which is beside the point. It was nice to know that I could just take it easy this week if I wanted to and enjoy the winter wonderland outside.
Along with the snow also came another basketball game against our rivals Cornell College. I will not spend too much time talking about this game but we won and we won by a large margin which was nice. It was also nice to see so many people out at our game even though the weather was so bad; I guess that just goes to show that we have some hardcore fans here at Coe.
Well if I must say I am sad about one thing this week though and that is the fact that I will not be able to attend the midnight movie this weekend. Here at Coe our student activities committee pays for any student who wants to go to the midnight movie that they are sponsoring at the local movie theater. This Friday’s movie is No Strings Attached, I have no clue what the movie is about but it is nice to have the opportunity to attend one for free with a lot of other Coe Students.
I would just like to let you all know that I have another basketball game this Saturday and it is a road game which should be fun. I have not had a road game in awhile. Other than that I will keep it simple I have a quote and fact for you but this week’s fact is Coe related! If you did not know Coe College was founded in 1851 by Daniel Coe and Coe College claims the shortest name of any American institution of higher education. This week’s quote is special to me since it is Black History month! “Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.”
Harriet Tubman
Hope you all enjoyed this weeks blog and I look forward to writing again next week!
Thank you for your time,
Charles Cotton III