Thursday, February 3, 2011

Snow is Great

Dear Readers,
Snow can make an average week a great week. This week was looking like it was going to be a busy one for me. I had a few papers on my agenda to get done by the Thursday and Friday of this week and that alone was going to be just enough to put a damper on my fun time. However I was given a gift that can only come in the winter months at a place like Iowa. It began to snow and snow a lot! It made me feel like a little kid again to know that it was a strong chance that class would be canceled for the next day which it was!
The good thing about this snow day was not all the students on campus running around making snow angels or anything like that but the good thing was how understanding the Professors here at Coe are about this sort of thing. Both of my papers were pushed back which somehow gave me more motivation to complete them both this week anyway which is beside the point. It was nice to know that I could just take it easy this week if I wanted to and enjoy the winter wonderland outside.
Along with the snow also came another basketball game against our rivals Cornell College. I will not spend too much time talking about this game but we won and we won by a large margin which was nice. It was also nice to see so many people out at our game even though the weather was so bad; I guess that just goes to show that we have some hardcore fans here at Coe.
Well if I must say I am sad about one thing this week though and that is the fact that I will not be able to attend the midnight movie this weekend. Here at Coe our student activities committee pays for any student who wants to go to the midnight movie that they are sponsoring at the local movie theater. This Friday’s movie is No Strings Attached, I have no clue what the movie is about but it is nice to have the opportunity to attend one for free with a lot of other Coe Students.
I would just like to let you all know that I have another basketball game this Saturday and it is a road game which should be fun. I have not had a road game in awhile. Other than that I will keep it simple I have a quote and fact for you but this week’s fact is Coe related! If you did not know Coe College was founded in 1851 by Daniel Coe and Coe College claims the shortest name of any American institution of higher education. This week’s quote is special to me since it is Black History month! “Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.”
Harriet Tubman
Hope you all enjoyed this weeks blog and I look forward to writing again next week!
Thank you for your time,
Charles Cotton III