Sunday, April 24, 2011

You Have to Love A BuSY Week! Happy Easter! Oh yeah about Flunk Day

Dear Readers,
It has been a pretty long few days! Oh hope you all had a good Easter! I have been playing a lot of golf but still waiting for the weather to shape up a bit. Other than that I have had to knock out a lot of homework. I guess the good thing about that is it is probably the last bit of homework for the year. Its bitter sweet that finals are coming up, it sucks to know that a lot of your good friends will be leaving but you also get to go see some of your friends from back home. Other than that finals are never really fun either I suppose. Also a lot of my good friends are going to graduate from Coe this year which is pretty exciting.
I got a lot of golf pictures for you that I talked about and I also have a picture of my Uncle Rick wearing a kohawk t-shirt I thought it was pretty sweet that my aunt sent me the picture so that will be up here as well.

I also went to the mid-night movie this Friday. Or Student Activities Committee pays for every Coe Student to attend a free movie every other Friday and this week’s movie was Your Highness. The movie was pretty funny but not as funny as the picture of me trying to swing the Thor hammer lol.

I almost forgot to tell you guys Flunk Day was a blast. Kind of cold out this year but still a good time. I was on duty for Flunk Day so I didn’t get to spend as much time on the quad as everyone else so I have no pictures. I am pretty sure however I was the first blogger to let you guys know that it was Flunk Day though so I feel I do deserve some credit.
Well I hope you all like the pictures and have a nice day!
Thank you for your time,
Charles E. Cotton III

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

IT IS FLUNK DAY! - You heard it first from your's truly Charles E. Cotton III

Thursday, April 14, 2011

funny photo

picture from outside of the "U" which is the cafeteria it was a picture before Pres Ball. Check out more info about Pres Ball on Ankit Rana's page.

Life Is good during Flunk Day Season

Dear Readers,

Hope everything is going well in your lives. However my life has been going very well. I just got back from the Chicago area not too long ago which was awesome. I was able to attend a college fair and represent Coe College which was something that most people never have a chance to do which was neat. On the way back from Chicago we brought back 12 minority students to compete for or DLS (Diversity Leadership Scholarship) here at Coe which I myself am a recipient of. Sorry but I do not have any pictures from the trip.

Next big news is Flunk Day will be here sometime soon! I will make sure to post some pictures when this event takes place. It will be a good time for sure! Something that was a lot of fun this week though was symposium day. Which is a day when classes are cancelled so that students can attend presentation presented by fellow students on a variety of different topics, I was fortunate enough to attend one which was pretty sweet. I have on photo of the event and it was after the conclusion of the event so not to exciting.

Well as far as flunk day goes I should at least tell you that I camped out in the quad on campus a few nights ago after finishing all my homework a few friends and I decided that it would be a good idea to camp out in the space where most of the Flunk Day activity would take place. Even though it was not Flunk Day the following morning I feel it is still safe to say that the camp out was a success. I am pretty sure that this was the first time anyone has ever done that before so hopefully we can create a new tradition who knows haha.

Other than that I went to golf practice today and a buddy of mine decided it would be sweet to get some photos of the beautiful golf course that we are fortunate enough to play at. I am pretty sure that we play on one of the top 2 golf Courses in Iowa. Elm Crest Golf Club is a private course and home to PGA professional Zack Johnson! Well I myself am no Zack Johnson but I do know how to play a little bit I suppose and I will have some pictures up very soon to prove it so be sure to check back soon!

Thank you for your time,
Charles E. Cotton III

NACA Photos

Become and Elf booth

sleeping on a long drive

good old St. Paul MN

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


Dear Readers,
The weather here in good ole Cedar Rapids is starting to shape up nicely! This temperature increase is a nice change of pace for sure, people are starting to come outside more and a few people have even been picnicking already! I think it might still be a little too soon for that but that is just my opinion.
Besides this weather change a lot of excitement has been going around on campus because Flunk Day is on the prowl! For all of you unfortunate viewers who have never heard of Flunk Day I guess I will be a good guy and enlighten you haha. Flunk Day is an unannounced day where all classes are canceled and a lot of fun events and amusements are provided for students to just enjoy a day on campus with nice weather and friends and not have to think about class. Flunk Day is a nice thing to have and I feel every school should have it simply because it is a great stress reliever for students who are already starting to worry about finals and summer plans.
As far as summer plans and finals go for me I am not too concerned. I am pretty sure finals will not be too tough I hope :/ guess I will just have to find out. As far as for my summer plans I will be working on campus again! I am pretty excited about having the opportunity to work on campus again this year. However this year will be a little different, I will be working in the Admissions office giving tours and such which will be something new for me! So if any of you all plan on making a visit to Coe College this summer you might just be able to have me as your tour guide which would be pretty sweet if I may say so myself.
So besides all of those things I had a good time this past Thursday through Sunday at the NACA conference that I went on. I learned a lot about what goes on with our Student Activities Committee as well as what our Student Activities Coordinator does. It was a pretty good time I was able to travel to St. Paul MN. As far as travel goes I get to head to Chicago this Thursday and help out at a college fair for Coe. This should be a great experience and I am really looking forward to it!

I will leave you all with a few things. I will post a few pictures from the NACA conference soon as well as some pictures from the college fair in Chicago hopefully! Other than that class selection is coming up and I will let you all know a thing or two about that!

Thank you for your time,
Charles E. Cotton III