Tuesday, April 5, 2011


Dear Readers,
The weather here in good ole Cedar Rapids is starting to shape up nicely! This temperature increase is a nice change of pace for sure, people are starting to come outside more and a few people have even been picnicking already! I think it might still be a little too soon for that but that is just my opinion.
Besides this weather change a lot of excitement has been going around on campus because Flunk Day is on the prowl! For all of you unfortunate viewers who have never heard of Flunk Day I guess I will be a good guy and enlighten you haha. Flunk Day is an unannounced day where all classes are canceled and a lot of fun events and amusements are provided for students to just enjoy a day on campus with nice weather and friends and not have to think about class. Flunk Day is a nice thing to have and I feel every school should have it simply because it is a great stress reliever for students who are already starting to worry about finals and summer plans.
As far as summer plans and finals go for me I am not too concerned. I am pretty sure finals will not be too tough I hope :/ guess I will just have to find out. As far as for my summer plans I will be working on campus again! I am pretty excited about having the opportunity to work on campus again this year. However this year will be a little different, I will be working in the Admissions office giving tours and such which will be something new for me! So if any of you all plan on making a visit to Coe College this summer you might just be able to have me as your tour guide which would be pretty sweet if I may say so myself.
So besides all of those things I had a good time this past Thursday through Sunday at the NACA conference that I went on. I learned a lot about what goes on with our Student Activities Committee as well as what our Student Activities Coordinator does. It was a pretty good time I was able to travel to St. Paul MN. As far as travel goes I get to head to Chicago this Thursday and help out at a college fair for Coe. This should be a great experience and I am really looking forward to it!

I will leave you all with a few things. I will post a few pictures from the NACA conference soon as well as some pictures from the college fair in Chicago hopefully! Other than that class selection is coming up and I will let you all know a thing or two about that!

Thank you for your time,
Charles E. Cotton III