Dear Readers, It is now homecoming week at Coe College. This is always an exciting time for everyone. Students are looking forward to the events later in the week, like the pep rally, the Football game, the dance and etc. This year homecoming is a little more special for me, not only will it be my last homecoming but I also got selected to be on Homecoming Court this year. I know it shocked me too. I don't know how much more excited I could be about this week, I am starting a new ceramics project, gave out bids to students who my chapter thought would be a good addition to our fraternity, Lambda Chi Alpha, I have stayed on top of all my poetry assignments and also I am in the final stages of my independent study project. On top of all that we will be having a very huge Alumni gathering this year at homecoming and I will be in attendance at many of those events as well. I can't wait to see what the rest of the week brings. As far as other things go, as soon as this week wraps up I will be back on the graduate school train, filling out applications and writing personal statements. I am happy to say that I feel very prepared for the future. Thank you Coe College! Thank you for your time, Charles E. Cotton III
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