Dear Readers, I have spent a lot of time this past week doing a lot of different things; from carving pumpkins, glazing some ceramics pieces, going to the discount movie theater in Cedar Rapids for the first time, and also going to Bloomsbury Farm. I am constantly amazed by all the different things Cedar Rapids has to offer, I often find myself somewhat taken back. It was awesome to be able to go see a newer movie for $5 dollars. Spending that type of money on a movie is right up my alley. Speaking of alley's I also went bowling on Monday. At westdale bowl you can bowl for a $1, that was something else that worked very well into my budget and was a great time. It was nice taking part in those activities but what I really enjoyed was going to BloomsBury Farm and riding around on a hay rack ride, going into haunted houses and picking out a pumpkin to carve. Overall I must say it has been an awesome week and I look forward to what next week brings. Hopefully I will finally be able to make it to the Cedar Rapids Theater downtown and check out a play. I can't wait to let you all know about it! Thank you once again for your time, Charles E. Cotton III
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Monday, October 22, 2012
Mid Terms!!!!!!!!!
Dear Readers, Mid Term season has arrived. What that means is a lot of people on campus are sitting somewhere studying or they are finishing projects and etc. It is hard to believe we are about half way done with first semester already. It feels like just yesterday all the new first year students were unloading their stuff. Well lucky for me I only had one mid term and that was in my ceramics class. I was able to make it through the week stress free. Along with the stress free week we also had a exciting week here on campus. Coe College announced the new president for next school year and we also had a fair share of alumni back as well as a ton of trustee members. After watching this week develop and then heading to Des Moines this weekend to attend a wedding of two recent Coe graduates, I realized that my first year on campus was forever ago. I now start to look at my future based on the memories and rewards of these past few years. I can't wait until graduation even though I know it is a ways away, it will be nice to have another memory to share with Coe College class of 2013! Thank you for your time, Charles E. Cotton III
Posted by Charles Cotton III at 7:33 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Looking Forward
Dear Readers, I have had one crazy week, but crazy in a good way. I got my independent study project back and now I am starting the second portion of that. I was also able to help admissions out this weekend with a Campus Visit Day for high school student interested in coming to Coe. I met a lot of nice people who I feel would make an awesome addition to the Coe family. Before I move on if anyone one is interested in coming to visit for a Campus Visit Day or something and you have any questions feel free to send me an email I would be more than happy to help you out ( Other than helping admissions, this week I have also got to take all of my ceramics pieces out after glazing them. I am happy with the way they turned out and I will try to get some pictures posted by next week. I really enjoy that class and look forward to taking ceramics two in the spring. Finally,we are approaching a break here at Coe. This upcoming Friday is the start of fall break and it should be a good time. I plan to stick around campus for the most part and it seems like a lot of people will be doing the same. Other than that I may make a trip to an outlet mall not to far from here at all and pick up some shoes or something who knows. Thank you for your time, Charles E. Cotton III
Posted by Charles Cotton III at 6:48 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
Dear Readers, Homecoming week has passed and what a good time I had. This past week was full of awesome activities. I got to participate in the homecoming parade by riding around in a corvette, I was able to perform a skit in front of the entire student body, but most of all I got to enjoy time with African American Alumni. This year was the largest return of Black Alums at Coe since the beginning of time and it was great to be here for that. Besides enjoying the game and dance I don't think homecoming would be special without having students and faculty of the past returning to see what their school is up to. Other than homecoming this past week has been pretty typical. I have been working on my new ceramics project and I am happy to say it is almost complete. I have also been able to come up with some pretty neat poems. The most exciting part about my academic week was the fact I was able to get my independent study paper all wrapped up and sent in to my professor. With the whole paper thing sort of behind me I am now once again looking forward at graduate school. I have been checking and rechecking deadlines to make sure I can get all my paperwork in on time. This has been a pretty good week and I look forward to what the rest of this week has in store for me. Thank you for your time, Charles E. Cotton III
Posted by Charles Cotton III at 6:41 AM 0 comments