Monday, October 17, 2011

Fall Break is Here!

Dear Readers,

This past week has been a good one. I took a test and did not do as well as I would have liked but did not do that bad I got an 88% also I had initiation week for my fraternity which was a great time.
I was able to do a lot of reflecting this week and follow up conversations with people from the conference I attended last week. So my goal for this week is to narrow down my graduate school search. I also submitted some poetry to Coe Review which is our big publication service. Not typical of me but I figured I would give it a shot ( my teacher forced me). I am looking forward to see if any of my work was selected.
Although I do not have class today or tomorrow I stuck around Coe this fall break because of our soccer game yesterday which we won. That was a good one since we played our long term rivals Cornell College. Other than that I have been enjoying the weather change sort of, I like that Halloween is almost here it is my second favorite holiday. I still need to figure out a costume for this year’s festivities.
Other than that I have spent this fall break hanging out with teammates and my brothers, watching tons of movies and ordering lots of food. Along with that I got to talk with my grandma yesterday and they are getting excited for thanksgiving already. It is weird how fast it seems this school year is moving. I am looking forward to attending another conference next week and hopefully I can come back with some insight and pictures to share with you all. Speaking of pictures I plan to take some on the trip to our soccer game tomorrow so get excited!

Thank you for your time,
Charles E. Cotton III