Monday, October 31, 2011

What a Kohawk Week!

Dear Readers,

I would like to let all of you know that I had a great week. I happened to stay very busy this week but I had a good time doing so. On Monday I met up with my golf teammates and coach to chat about spring break plans which is always a good time. I also had my second to last soccer practice of the season, which is kind of sad but it turned out to be a very productive practice. Later Monday night I helped set up for spring letter awards banquet, this is an opportunity to give some credit to the athletes for the hard work they put in during their competitive season. To end my Monday evening I wrapped up with a few Residence Life meetings and tons of studying for an Astronomy test Tuesday.

Tuesday was a whole new ball game. I ran a booth at lunch for KCOE RADIO of course went to my classes ( I also went to class Monday if you were wondering). Then I broadcasted live on kcoe radio at 4pm. Followed by my final soccer practice of the season and also a astronomy exam which I was not a big fan of.

Wednesday was even better, all that soccer practice paid off with a tie against Luther College who was undefeated in conference before running into the kohawks.

Thursday was packed with class meetings and some room reorganizing not to busy of a day. I also went to a Stride Piano concert that evening at City High School in Iowa City. I had a great time and the atmosphere there was top notch.

Friday I was off to the races. I woke up at around 5:30am to prepare for a long morning drive to Western Illinois for a Student Affairs undergraduate conference. I got to meet a lot of people and also narrow down my graduate school search a little father.

Saturday was nothing but lots of work related task that I felt would be nice to get out of the way. I got a lot of things done for Residence Life and I also thought it would be nice to write 4 academic reviews to put me ahead on some of my classes. Along with all that stuff I thought it would be great to spend 7+ hours designing hosting a website for Kcoe Radio which is Coe College's radio channel which is now live nation wide via internet feel free to check out the page I designed I ate a lot of pizza that night and along with the president and secretary of kcoe I believe we may have went through close to two cases of lemonade.

All and all a great week and weekend Sunday was more of a relaxing and reflecting day plus a little more website editing. I hope all of you are able to go check out the website at it turned out pretty nice with some more updates coming this week.

Thank you for your time,
Charles E. Cotton III