Sunday, October 2, 2011

All the places you can go.

Dear Readers,

Since we last spoke a few exciting things have occurred. I had the chance to finally go to healthy happenings which is a smoothie place in Cedar Rapids. I have been waiting to go there all summer but just finally made it and I must say it is pretty good. Other then that we had a big away soccer game Wednesday however we did not finish as well as we would have liked to but that is alright. I have night class on Wednesday so since I happened to miss that I got to go to brewed awakenings which is a coffee shop across the street from campus where I had lunch and discussed the class materials with my professor. That was very helpful to say the least, I picked up on so much more of the reading information that way and I must say it is pretty sweet that a professor was willing to go grab lunch with his students.

Other then that I also got to go to Iowa City Thursday night and I have plenty of pictures from the evening. My jazz history class went out to the Englert Theater to watch the Miles Davis Experience which was pretty cool because our professor bought us all dinner and paid for everyone's ticket. Other then that we grabbed one cold stone ice cream before the concert and walked around for a bit which was a god time.

This Friday we had a big nacho bar party in Armstrong hall lobby which turned out to have a lot of people in attendance. I can surely say I had my fair share of nachos that night. The rest of my weekend has been pretty relaxing hopefully yours was as well.

Other then that I hope you all enjoy the photos look forward to some more next week from a big conference I will be attending and thank you for your time,
Charles E. Cotton III